July 05, 2014

Facebook profiles can predict job performance

For all those people who thinks Facebook just as a medium of entertainment, then you are absolutely wrong. Yes, you read it right!! No foul play around.

When you are getting hired in a reputed firm, there are certain standard basic procedures which they actually follow. Like follow up with the given references, back ground verification about past employment history (and Education history sometimes), document verification etc. Adding to such to-do list, the new entry is: Stalking the employees in Facebook.

Interestingly, the Facebook profile knows more about you than you know about yourself. And the same has been confirmed by research. Evaluating a person by going through the Facebook profile is more accurate than traditional personality tests. It just takes 5 to 7 minutes for an unknown person to scan your profile and predict how you will perform in the work place.

For example, people going out, partying all night and having a snap with beer in hand doesn’t really affect the chances of getting in but being drunk in a ditch somewhere turns to be a negative factor. The former act suggests that you are an extrovert and comfortable socially. But the later act just degrades your rating and would become a negative trait. Contrarily, don’t upload photos of you sitting around your home in complete solitude!

Also, if you are really addicted to Check-in feature of Facebook, it would be seen as a positive characteristic. It indicates that you love travelling and hence you are open to new experiences/adventures. Adding to that, more the number of people in your friend list, the more you are easy in blending with others.

On the other hand, using social media as a tool to evaluate potential hires can be a mighty risk! There is a possibility that few people tend to give fake information. Because I have seen people who sits in home and check-in “Freaking out with my friends in Theme Park”. Such type of misleading information misguides the hiring manager!

So watch out for your space and be cautious about what you post/upload. Who knows, your current manager or future manager may sneak a peek in your profile to judge you!! 

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